
Ostapchuk reacted to the scandal with his "deferment" from military service

Ostapchuk commented on Viktor Baida's post. Source: Screenshot

Ukrainian TV host Volodymyr Ostapchuk denied accusations by Our Atlantic band leader Viktor Baida that he allegedly received a deferment from military service after calling a friend in the Verkhovna Rada. The artist said that he had indeed passed the military medical commission on June 19 with the musician, but only to register.

According to the star, he needs to update his data at his place of residence, which takes a lot of time because of the queues. Ostapchuk wrote about this on his Instagram.

The host had seen Viktor Baida's post, so he decided to clarify the situation when it became publicized in the media.

"He asked how we were different. The only difference was that I didn't update my data, but registered. Due to the fact that I once left to live in Canada, I was deregistered," the artist wrote.

He stated that on May 18, he received a summons from the Shevchenko TCC to update his data, but he was redirected to his place of residence in the Podil district. The presenter allegedly could not get there for a month because of the queues.

"Later, I called the police to ask what to do, because the deadline for registering was approaching. They said that I had to go to Shevchenkivskyi to record that I had done everything, and then there would be time to go to Podilskyi," Ostapchuk added.

According to the host, he went to the Shevchenkivskyi district on June 19. The showman did not explain why the police were with him at the clinic.

"I am registered in the Podil district, so now I have been redirected to the Podil TCC, and I am going through the whole procedure again, which takes time. All information is available. Anyone who wants to can check it," Ostapchuk concluded.

Ostapchuk did not comment on the accusations of "nepotism", the agreement with an influential friend in the Verkhovna Rada, and the postponement.

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