
"Their nation is being zombified": Russian national team coach said that Ukrainians ruin their lives

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Pokrovska insulted Ukrainians

The head coach of the Russian synchronized swimming team Tatyana Pokrovskaya has taken umbrage at Ukraine's call to ban Russian representatives from entering countries hosting international competitions. The 12-time Olympic champion as a mentor pounced on Ukrainians with insults, saying they "do not know how else to ruin the lives of Russians."

Pokrovskaya said this in a commentary on the Russia Today propaganda TV channel. She added that Ukrainians allegedly unreasonably indoctrinated that Russia was their main enemy, forgetting that the Russian Federation had launched a criminal war against our country and was killing its civilians.

Fedina Savchuk medal

"Ukraine no longer knows how else to screw up the lives of Russians. Their nation is, quite frankly, being zombified. They are told that Russia is the biggest enemy. It is visible in sports in particular. We should not pay attention to their statements, we should continue to have a dialogue with organizations that can affect our participation in the Summer Games and World Championships only. We have to participate if we have the opportunity, but only if the rules are the same for everyone. A fair approach is always important in competitions. You should not listen to Ukrainians, they will not calm down," Pokrovska said.

Earlier, four-time Olympic biathlon champion Alexander Tikhonov called Ukrainians brainless after they refused to shake hands with Russians at international tournaments.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, the Olympic champion Mikhail Mamiashvili demanded to allow Russian athletes to the world championship-2023 in wrestling without additional conditions with words about the "superior race".

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