
How to easily peel a pomelo to make it convenient to eat: a life hack

Erika IlyinaNews
How to peel a pomelo. Source: freepik

Pomelo can be called a real tropical fruit star. Every year it becomes more accessible. It is consumed both as a standalone product and added to various dishes, such as salads.

And since this fruit contains a lot of vitamins and has antioxidant properties, you should know how to peel it properly, as this nuance often scares people away from buying it. A food blogger with the nickname treskablog shared how to peel pomelos correctly and easily on Instagram.

How to peel a pomelo?

1. Cut the fruit across into three equal parts.

2. Make several incisions.

3. Open the slices with your hands, thus separating them.

4. Repeat the process with other parts.

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