Never crack eggs like this: mistakes that spoil everything
Cracking eggs is a common task in the kitchen that seems elementary. However, even in such a simple process, you can make mistakes that will ruin not only the dish but also your mood. Cracking an egg incorrectly can lead to shells getting into the food or even contamination. To avoid these problems, it is important to follow the right approach.
The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you how not to crack eggs. Using the following tips, you will forget about mistakes forever.
Cracking with a knife
Using a knife to crack an egg is one of the most common mistakes. A sharp blade can cause tiny pieces of shell to break off, which can easily get into the protein. Even if you don't notice it, small particles can affect the texture of the dish. In addition, the knife, especially if used for other foods, can transfer harmful microorganisms to the egg.
Which way is right? Crack the egg on a flat surface, such as a table or workboard. This reduces the risk of shells falling into the egg and ensures cleanliness.
Breaking on the edge of the dish
It is common to break an egg on the edge of a bowl or frying pan. This is convenient but dangerous. The shell may crack unevenly, and pieces may end up in the egg. Use a flat surface. Then break the egg with clean hands or carefully crack it into a prepared container.
Cracking the egg directly into the pan or bowl
If you add an egg directly to other ingredients, there is a risk that it could be spoiled. The smell and look of a stale egg will instantly ruin the whole dish, and you'll have to throw away all the food.
How to avoid it? First, break the egg into a separate container. Make sure it is fresh, and only then add it to the other ingredients or pour it into the pan.
Careless attitude to the freshness of the egg
Using stale eggs is another common mistake. Even if the shell looks normal, this does not guarantee that the egg is not spoiled.
How to check?
Dip the egg in water. A fresh egg will sink, and a stale one will float to the surface. You can also break the egg into a plate and evaluate its smell and consistency.