
How to choose quality eggs: decoding the label and tips for freshness

Erika IlyinaNews
How to choose eggs. Source: freepik.com

Eggs are one of the most popular foods in the world. They are eaten as a separate dish, as well as an ingredient for salads, fillings, and other dishes. Without eggs, it is impossible to create truly flavorful and fluffy pastries or an appetizing crust on them.

And since eggs are a natural product, they have a shelf life and certain storage conditions. It is important to use only fresh eggs to avoid harming your health. Nutritionist Iryna Gizbrekht shared on Instagram how to choose high-quality eggs and how to decipher their labeling.

Egg labeling

On each egg you can find a label starting with the letters "D" or "C".

  • The "D" marking means that you are holding dietary eggs. They cannot be stored at sub-zero temperatures or for more than 7 days.
  • The "C" label indicates that you are looking at a table product. Their shelf life is 25 days at room temperature and 120 days in the refrigerator.

If we are talking about washed eggs, their shelf life is no more than 12 days, provided they are stored from 0 to 20 degrees and the air humidity is 85-88% without fluctuations. In this case, no other labeling is taken into account.

Categories of eggs

Egg categories differ from each other in terms of product weight.

  • C3 (third category) - 35-44.9 grams.
  • C2 (second category) - 45-54.9 grams.
  • C1 (first category) - 55-64.9 grams.
  • C0 (selected) - 65-74.9 gr.
  • CV (highest category) - more than 75 gr.


1.The eggs packaging must be completely dry and free from any signs of mold or unpleasant odors.

2. The shell should not contain cracks, stains or any other damage.

Useful tips

1.Eggs should be chosen from local farms or from trusted suppliers.

2. Test for freshness before eating. Put the egg in water. Fresh eggs will sink. Spoiled eggs will float to the surface.

3. Choose eggs with the closest packaging date to the day of purchase.

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