
The United States deployed anti-aircraft systems capable of hitting even ships during exercises to protect the Baltic Sea

Oleksiy LutykovWorld
The US Navy deployed Typhon systems during the Baltic Sea defense exercises

During the Baltic Sea defense exercises, the US Navy deployed a modular launcher from the Typhon universal system that can fire two types of missiles.

This type of weapon can fire Tomahawk cruise missiles in the land-based version and the "land-based" version of this SM-6 naval anti-aircraft missile. This was reported by Defense Express.

The United States has conducted joint exercises with the Danish Armed Forces to protect maritime convoys that will take place near Bornholm Island in the Baltic Sea. It is worth noting that there is almost no publicly available data on these military exercises, but the network noticed that the United States practiced the use of an SM-6 anti-aircraft missile launcher to provide air cover for convoys.

The peculiarity of the complex is that four cells from the Mark 41, a standard system for US Navy destroyers, are used as launchers. The firing system is based on the Aegis Combat System.

It is noteworthy that the SM-6 can intercept all types of objects, including ballistic missiles. The range of firing at air targets can reach 240 km. In addition, the system has the ability to hit sea targets. In this mode, the launch range is up to 460 km.

Analysts noted that in 2016, during a training exercise, the US Navy was able to sink a decommissioned frigate, including by firing SM-6 missiles.

As a reminder, this is the first time that the North Atlantic Alliance has conducted exercises that covered scenarios for the application of Article 5 of the Treaty. It is about collective defense - an attack on one of the NATO members will be considered an attack on all NATO members.


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