
In Tehran, families of deceased passengers of UIA plane shot down by Iran in 2020 initiated protests: they were dispersed by security forces. Photos

Sophia ZakrevskaWorld
Families of the dead passengers of the plane shot down by Iran rally in Tehran

On Saturday, February 3, the families of the dead passengers of Flight PS752 held a rally in the Iranian capital Tehran but were dispersed by security forces. As a reminder, the UIA plane with passengers on board was shot down near the airport in Tehran by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles on January 8, 2020.

The relatives of the dead passengers of the plane gathered in front of the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights with placards in their hands. This was reported on the official page of the Association of Families of the Victims of Flight PS752 on X.

They opposed the visit of Deputy High Commissioner Nada Al-Nashif to Iran. Earlier, the families signed a statement demanding that her trip be canceled.

In addition, the protesters put forward their own demands. In particular, according to the Voice of America's Persian Service, people demanded justice from the Iranian government. They accuse the country's authorities of obstructing the investigation into the crash of Flight PS752.

Plainclothes security agents, as well as Iranian regime security forces, were present at the site and began to disperse the families of the victims with threats.

"The behavior of the security forces was offensive and brutal, and they were ready for any harsh reaction," the statement said.

The relatives of the victims believe that Iran is covering up for criminals who committed "premeditated murder, intentional attack on civilians or civilian objects, outrages on personal dignity and robbery, as well as crimes against humanity in the form of murder and other inhuman acts."

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