
Russian vessel violates Finnish territorial waters

Oleksiy LutykovWorld
Russia violated Finnish territorial waters

The Finnish government suspects that the Russian vessel violated the country's territorial waters. The incident occurred in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland on July 26.

An investigation is currently underway. This was reported by Reuters.

In a statement, the Finnish Ministry of Defense said that the Border Guard is investigating the incident and will provide additional information as it continues. The chief investigator of the Border Guard Service, Petter Stauffer, said that a ship of the Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet, which is intended for seabed exploration, crossed the sea border.

The Border Guard Service said that the incident took place in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and lasted about seven minutes, after which the Russian vessel left the country, accompanied by a Border Guard ship.

"The Ministry of Defense, as the highest territorial supervisory authority, directs and coordinates the activities of territorial supervisory authorities on territorial supervision," the statement said.

As a reminder, Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers and Chinese H-6s entered the Alaskan air defense identification zone on July 24. As a result, fighters from the United States and Canada had to accompany the aircraft. The Russian and Chinese bombers were joined by several F-16 and F-35 aircraft.

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