
China's talks about peace in Ukraine do not add up - Blinken

Sophia ZakrevskaWorld
Blinken criticizes China for supporting Russia's defense industry. Source: The Hill/Greg Nash

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the United States is concerned about China's support for the defense industry of the aggressor country Russia. He also emphasized that Beijing's talk of peace in Ukraine "does not add up."

Blinken made the statement during talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Reuters reports. Thus, according to him, about 70% of the machine tools that Russia imports, as well as 90% of microelectronics, come from China and Hong Kong.

This materially helps Moscow to produce missiles, rockets, armored vehicles and ammunition needed to continue the war against Ukraine.

"So when Beijing says that, on the one hand, it wants peace, it wants to see an end to the conflict, but on the other hand, is allowing its companies to take actions that are actually helping Putin continue the aggression, that doesn't add up," Blinken emphasized.

He added that pressure on Iran, North Korea and China to stop providing weapons, artillery, equipment and other support to Russia will be crucial to achieving peace in Ukraine.

As reported, China made a statement on Russia's war against Ukraine at the UN Security Council meeting on September 24. Beijing urged "not to expand the combat zone" and not to attack nuclear power plants.

At the same time, China continues to promote its "peace plan," which consists of an "immediate ceasefire," refusal to supply weapons to Ukraine, and abstention from sanctions against Russia.

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