
We have a positive decision from the Polish government: Zelenskyy intrigued by news of F-16 for Ukraine

We have a positive decision from the Polish government. Source: Chris Lofting

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is intrigued by the news of Western F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine. He said that the Polish government had made a decision that would speed up their transfer to our country.

The head of state announced this on social network X, formerly known as Twitter. Zelenskyy noted that during the summit of the European Political Community in the UK, he met with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

During the meeting, the parties discussed strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities.

"And today we have a positive decision of the Polish government on the issue that will allow Ukraine to receive F-16 fighters as soon as possible. Thank you, dear Donald, for the effective implementation of our previous agreements," he said.

The President did not specify the details of the decision, and the Polish government has not released any official statements on the matter. At the same time, Polish media suggest that Poland may be involved in organizing the delivery of the fighter jets or solving logistical issues, but will not transfer its F-16s to Ukraine.

As reported by OBOZ.UA:

– U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said at the NATO summit in Washington that Denmark and the Netherlands have begun the process of transferring the first F-16 aircraft to Ukraine. The fighters are already on their way to our country.

– This summer, Ukraine will be able to use the F-16 fighters provided by our partner countries. This was stated by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

– "The first F-16s to arrive in Ukraine are likely to be a trial batch that will be used to test the air defense of our critical facilities in the west or east. The military command and our Western partners will analyze how to use and protect these first aircraft most effectively.

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