
We are ready to see Russia there: Zelenskyy spoke about preparations for the second Peace Summit

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine's victory plan should be open to all countries. It should also be known to the aggressor country Russia, and its representatives should attend the second peace summit.

The president said this at a meeting with journalists on September 20. Ukraine is actively working on this plan and has already prepared three points.

"We said that we are ready to see Russia at the second peace summit, because all our allies, including our closest ones, who are on our side and always against Russian aggression, all said that Russia should be at the second summit. Because Russia is at war against Ukraine. There can be no end to the war without one of the parties," Zelenskyy said.

The President noted that the entire plan should be ready in early November.

"This will be the start and the foundation for talking in any format with Russia. In any format, with any of its representatives, because there will be a plan and something to show. If they don't like it, their reaction to the specifics will be clear, not just in general – we don't want anything and will continue the war. Although I think that's exactly what they want today, just to continue," the president said.

Zelenskyy emphasized that the victory plan serves as a bridge to a peace summit and to any stage of ending the war, so Russia should see it.

"In my opinion, the plan will be open to everyone, including societies in different countries. And Russia should see it. Because this plan strengthens Ukraine. And they need to know about it," the head of state added.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, it is expected that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy may pay a visit to the United States next week (September 23-29) to present our plan to win the war with Russia.

Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree that provides for our country's refusal to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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