
Sybiha asked a NATO country to shoot down Russian drones flying into its territory: all the details

Andrii Sybiha meets with Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu in Bucharest

Ukraine has asked Romania to shoot down Russian drones approaching the country's airspace. This request was made by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha during a visit to Bucharest.

This was reported by the German edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Bucharest's response is currently unknown.

"In Bucharest, after a meeting with his Romanian counterpart Luminita Odobescu, Sybiha asked Romania to shoot down Russian drones approaching Romanian airspace," the article says.

The newspaper noted that a Russian drone was recently spotted in the airspace over the Romanian Danube Delta, about 45 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

Romanian F-16 fighter jets took off and escorted the Russian UAV until it reached Ukrainian airspace.

Since then, Romanian politicians and military officials have been arguing over whether changes in the law are needed to shoot down enemy drones in their own airspace.

Over the past month, at least two Russian "Shakhed" drones have flown into Romanian territory. One of them, according to the Romanian military, hit a non-residential area of Romania near the city of Periprava on September 8.

As reported by OBOZ.UA:

Romania wants to change the legislation to allow shooting down drones that fly into the country. The parliamentary opposition criticized Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu for his inaction regarding the violation of Romanian airspace.

During the Russian attack on Ukraine on September 8, a group of Shahed attack drones violated Romanian airspace. The Romanian military raised its aircraft, but did not dare to shoot down the Russian drones: The UAVs returned to Ukrainian airspace.

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