
FT: US decided to transfer ATACMS to Ukraine even before Zelensky's visit; delivery date kept secret

Transfer of ATACMS to Ukraine from the United States

Washington decided to transfer ATACMS long-range missiles to Kyiv before President Volodymyr Zelensky made an official visit to the United States. The decision was not announced publicly to avoid an adverse reaction from Russia.

This was reported by Financial Times, citing sources close to the White House. The first missiles will be sent to Ukrainian troops in small quantities and shortly.

"The first to be sent will be a version of ATACMS armed with cluster munitions rather than a single warhead. This should reassure some officials who believe that a single-warhead delivery will allegedly deplete U.S. stockpiles," the report said.

As a reminder, during Biden's meeting with Zelensky at the White House, the politicians agreed to work together to produce weapons and defense systems for Ukraine and the United States.

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported, Biden's administration is indeed close to a decision to transfer ATACMS with a cluster warhead to Ukraine. It is the transfer of this version of long-range missiles that has already moved to the level of discussion among the heads of departments, after which the decision must be made by the US president himself.

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