
Four key points: The Times disclosed the changes to the Victory Plan with which Zelenskyy went to the United States

Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Source: Office of the President

The Victory Plan that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to present during his visit to the United States this week aims to provide Ukraine with long-term guarantees of support from the West. The president emphasizes that the plan needs urgent support from Joe Biden and other Western leaders so that Ukraine can start negotiations by the end of the year from a favorable position.

This was reported by the British newspaper The Times. The publication notes that security guarantees should be such that the new US administration, even in the event of a hypothetical victory of Republican Donald Trump in the election, could not cancel them.

Among the four main points of the plan, sources say the key one is a request for security guarantees similar to Article 5 of the NATO collective defense treaty. Another new point of the plan concerns support for the continuation of operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Russia, particularly in the Kursk region. In addition, the plan provides for guarantees of modern weapons supplies and international financial assistance to Ukraine.

The plan has not yet been officially made public. Zelenskyy noted that he would not disclose all the details before meeting with Biden at the White House on Thursday, and would also like to present it to the two presidential candidates, Trump and Kamala Harris.

Earlier, some media outlets reported that the plan also includes a formal invitation for Ukraine to join NATO and permission to strike deep into Russia with Western long-range weapons.

The Times's sources say that Biden is unlikely to publicly announce the lifting of the ban on the use of US long-range missiles to attack Russian territory during Zelenskyy's visit. However, this decision may be made unofficially, as noted by the British newspaper The Guardian. Russian authorities have previously warned of the consequences for the West in the event of such a decision.

It is unclear how security guarantees for Ukraine, similar to its participation in NATO, could be formalized. Numerous Western countries, including the United States, have repeatedly emphasized that by providing assistance to Ukraine, they seek to avoid a direct armed conflict with Russia.

The publication also points out that military analysts and diplomats believe that Ukraine will not be able to quickly oust the Russians from the occupied territories in the east in the short and medium term. In this period, keeping Ukraine in the fight until Russia is forced to negotiate seems to be the most realistic goal. One NATO diplomat acknowledged that any negotiations would be "very, very difficult and painful for Ukraine."

"Obviously, Ukrainians will not be able to kick the Russians out of their country," the diplomat said.

However, in his opinion, the idea of freezing the conflict along the current front lines and forcing Ukraine to remain outside the bloc would be a "disastrous outcome" and this "cannot be the basis for negotiations."

As a reminder, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy began his visit to the United States with a visit to a plant in Pennsylvania. This is the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, which produces artillery and mortar shells.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, the White House is looking forward to the presentation of Zelenskyy's Victory Plan and wants to agree on strategic goals with Kyiv for the last four months of Biden's presidency. At least that's what presidential adviser Michael Carpenter said.

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