
"We have to wait for now": Germany's Chancellor says under what conditions Scholz will call Putin on peace talks

Scholz is still afraid of Putin

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will be ready to call the Russian dictator when he is actually ready for constructive negotiations. For now, we have to wait.

This statement was made by federal government spokesman Steffen Gebestreit at a briefing. He added that Berlin is in constant exchange of views with Ukraine, the United States, European partners, etc. However, the time has not yet come for Chancellor Olaf Scholz to speak directly with the Russian president.

"When the time comes that the chancellor decides it makes sense to call, he will not hesitate. For now, we have to wait," the spokesman emphasized and added that the last phone conversation between the two politicians took place in December 2022.

Gebestreit also reminded that the peace process has been going on for "a relatively long time" and was initiated by Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"At the Peace Summit in Switzerland, there was a common feeling, recognition, and consensus that the next meeting should be held with the participation of Russia. Everything is currently being done to convene the second summit, although I cannot name the date. But the whole world understands that this war must end as soon as possible, and Ukraine is very eager to do so," said the German government spokesman.

He emphasized that it is clear to everyone that peace must be just, not peace under dictation, and that it is not a question of Ukraine "throwing up the white flag" or of Ukraine being talked about without Ukraine's participation. It is not a question of giving Russia a pause to breathe and attacking again with renewed vigor, as it has already done. It is also out of the question, in principle, to freeze the situation; Russia must withdraw its troops.

"There is one person who can end the war immediately. This is the Russian president, who has been waging an aggressive war for 2.5 years, which has a "gigantic price" for Russia itself, but above all for Ukraine and those who support it," Gebestreit summarized.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz believes that representatives of the aggressor country Russia should participate in the second Peace Summit. In his opinion, it is time to hold discussions on how to accelerate the end of the war started by Russia against Ukraine.

In addition, Russia is not ready for serious negotiations on peace with Ukraine, said Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council. Moscow can only be talked to from a position of strength.

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