
"We are working in the right direction": naval expert explains the effect of strikes on Crimea and points out an important nuance

Crimean bridge
Crimean bridge. Source: Russian media

The Russian Federation currently has a relatively small number of occupation troopsin the Crimea direction, namely about 10,000. The enemy will be able to potentially defend Crimea using small group tactics only; the situation will be even more difficult for the Russians if the Ukraine's defense forces turn the peninsula into an "island," that is, cut off the enemy's access to the mainland.

In an interview with OBOZ.UA, Volodymyr Zablotskyi, a naval expert, columnist for Defense Express magazine and retired captain of the 1st rank, commented on the situation in southern Ukraine. He noted that 10 thousand occupants are not enough to defend such a territory.

"Still, there is an example of a member of the White movement General Yakov Slashchov. In 1919-1920, he held the Crimean Perekop Isthmus by maneuvering a small number of troops in the main directions. He allowed the enemy to enter certain areas and then destroyed them with short counterattacks and firepower. He had very few troops and the enemy army was superior in manpower and weapons, but still Crimea was not taken thanks to the fleet from the Azov Sea, in particular.

The enemy may try to do this now. And we may have our own measures, our own plans to make our attack unexpected," the expert suggested.

The Russians are afraid of Ukraine's active actions in this area. They have created a defense system and mined possible ways of penetration from the land.

"But this does not mean that such steps will help. After all, everything that one person does can be disrupted by another person," Zablotskyi emphasized.

According to him, the Ukrainian marines are strengthening their forces, increasing the number of soldiers, and have received quite a few landing boats.

"We are talking at least about landings on the left bank of the Dnipro. There may be landings from the sea side as well. This means creating a threat to the enemy from both sides. To fight back, to maneuver on the peninsula, you need to have some kind of forces. Let me remind you that in the north and west of Crimea, the enemy has no air defense systems, they are all destroyed," the Defense Express observer believes.

Ukraine is actively shelling the air bases of the Russian invaders in the occupied Crimea, as well as logistics centers, communication centers, headquarters, and warehouses.

"Accordingly, the enemy is evacuating everything it can from there. But to evacuate everything, they need the Kerch Bridge or a ferry. The problem will become even bigger if we turn Crimea into an island and cut off the enemy's access to the mainland," he explained.

"We are working in the right direction. It is difficult, but there are successes, and they are obvious," Zablotskyi summarized.

Temporarily occupied Crimea.

Earlier, Russian terrorist Igor Girkin (Strelkov) said that the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region is an attempt to distract Russian troops and show "the powerlessness of the central Moscow authorities". The criminal expects that the Defense Forces may organize a counteroffensive in the Crimea or Lower Dnipro direction in the fall.

As reported, our soldiers used the Palianytsia domestic drone missile for the first time in Crimea. This happened in August 2024; the operation was successful.

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