
The West is thinking about new capabilities and weapons: how the Kursk operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine affected partners

Offensive in the Kursk region. Source: rosmedia

The Ukrainian army's decisive breakthrough into the Kursk region has finally convinced Kyiv's Western partners that the best defense is an offensive. Now the West has stopped talking about a ceasefire and negotiations between Ukraine and Russia and is instead discussing new authorizations and arms supplies.

In general, the Kursk operation will have far-reaching consequences for the war, says The Telegraph's Francis Dearnley. In previous months, Western partners have been delaying the supply of weapons to Ukraine, providing them in limited quantities and imposing absurd restrictions on their use.

This led to the gradual loss of Ukrainian territory, which Russia was winning back through numerical superiority. The change in approach began in May, when the West "eased restrictions" for Ukrainians, allowing them to strike targets in Russia using the weapons provided. But the key events were on August 6, 2024, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine entered the Kursk region with Western armored vehicles, and the West "tacitly approved" it.

The Kursk operation and the easing of restrictions on the Ukrainian military "changed the military and political reality" of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The Russians now have to gradually withdraw troops from Donbas to move them to Kursk, which significantly reduces their chances of a major breakthrough on the eastern front. These troops will remain on the border to prevent a similar breakthrough from happening again.

Politically, the Kursk operation also has important consequences. In the West, talk of a ceasefire and negotiations, which were previously conducted in private, has been silenced. Instead, they are now discussing the lifting of restrictions and new arms shipments.

"Only today, negotiations with the Joe Biden administration on providing Ukraine with long-range cruise missiles were "at an advanced stage," the article says.

It is also reported that the offensive in Kursk region has changed the discussions in Moscow. The Kremlin can no longer propose freezing the front line as a condition for starting negotiations, as this would allow Kyiv to gain a foothold in Russia.

"If Kyiv is able to hold a few dozen miles, Putin cannot call for an end to the war under the current circumstances; for this reason, we should not be surprised if this operation lasts much longer than many predicted," The Telegraph writes.

The West is thinking about new capabilities and weapons: how the Kursk operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine affected partners

Earlier, James Stavridis said that the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region of Russia is a "stunning turn" in the full-scale war of the aggressor country against our country. The Ukrainians are "bringing home to the Russians" the consequences of Russian dictator Putin's attack, and are also showing that they can outperform their enemy.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, former U.S. Commander in Europe Ben Hodges noted that the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region surprised and impressed many Western military. They had to admit that they had underestimated Ukraine's military potential.

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