
"The Russians have the artillery and aviation factor on their side": Selezniov assesses the situation at the front and explains why the coming days are crucial

Combat actions at the front. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The next ten days could be decisive on the frontline. If the Russians fail to make significant progress in the Pokrovsk direction by September 20, their resources and capabilities are likely to be exhausted.

This was stated by military expert Vladyslav Selezniov in an exclusive interview with OBOZ.UA. At the same time, he warned that the situation in the Pokrovsk sector should not be considered stabilized, as the enemy continues to redeploy forces in an attempt to break through the Ukrainian defense.

Fighting in this area remains intense, with Russian commanders ignoring significant losses, particularly in manpower. The enemy is increasingly using infantry attacks supported by artillery and aviation and is actively using guided aerial bombs, more than a hundred per day.

"Accordingly, under such conditions, we cannot say that the situation has been fully stabilized by the Ukrainian army. However, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is making every effort to send additional forces and means to hold our positions in the Pokrovske direction. We are now witnessing one of the elements of strategic defense. The level of losses of the advancing side is 3, 5, or even 7 times higher than the level of losses of the defending side.

Of course, the Russians have artillery and aviation on their side, and it is difficult for us to fight this component of the enemy. But we are fighting defensive battles, in particular under the cover of industrial buildings. Although the enemy sometimes reports on the capture of some industrial facilities, I can imagine the price they pay for this opportunity," the expert said.

Selezniov believes that it can already be said that the strategic reserves of the Russian army have been exhausted, and the operational reserves are also almost at the limit. The Russians' ability to reinforce certain areas is limited to individual battalions or, at best, regiments. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that the enemy is capable of conducting active offensives over the next few months. This confirms Budanov's prediction that all enemy resources would be exhausted by early October.

According to Selezniov, it is now important to be cautious in making predictions about the ability of the Ukrainian army to hold certain positions in the Pokrovsk direction. However, the enemy should not have any illusions: if earlier it was unable to realize its territorial ambitions in more favorable conditions, now, after strengthening Ukrainian positions in this area, its prospects look very dim.

"I think the next ten days will be decisive. If by September 20 the Russians do not make any significant advances deep into our combat formations in the Pokrovsk direction, I think that their forces, means and capabilities will be exhausted. What we see every day in our General Staff's report is a huge level of Russian losses. It is simply staggering. A lot of destroyed manpower, armored vehicles, weapons, and special equipment. These figures reflect not only the intensity of the fighting but also the fact that the enemy is ready to suffer losses of any level to achieve results," the expert added.

''The Russians have the artillery and aviation factor on their side'': Selezniov assesses the situation at the front and explains why the coming days are crucial

Earlier it was reported that the Russian occupants in the Pokrovsk sector continue to try to break through the Ukrainian defense. In particular, they hope to push through with manpower. However, Ukrainian soldiers are working hard to destroy this advantage.

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