
Szijjártó calls for an end to arms supplies to Ukraine at the OSCE as it allegedly "prolongs the war"

Hungary does not want Ukraine to receive weapons

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has called on Ukraine's international partners to stop helping our country in its war against the Russian occupiers. According to him, such a policy only prolongs the war, and Europe does not need war.

"What we need is peace," the politician emphasized at a meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, North Macedonia, as reported by Ukrinform.

Szijjártó described all the negative consequences of the war that all European countries have experienced. For example, in Hungary itself, the number of refugees has increased many times, and inflation and utility prices have risen.

"We are paying this price, we are feeling the consequences, and facing the suffering even if we are not responsible for the war, even if it is not our war," the official Budapest representative said.

He added that he represents a nation that is also dying in this war. There are about 150,000 indigenous Hungarians in Ukraine who are being mobilized into the army because most of them have Ukrainian citizenship.

"Many were sent to the front and many of them have already died, unfortunately. And we, Hungarians, do not want more people to die. We don't want more Hungarians to die. We do not want more people to die in our neighborhood," Szijjártó summarized.

As a reminder, the Hungarian Foreign Minister has already been known for his scandalous statements that Ukraine is "not suitable for EU membership." In his opinion, until peace comes to our country, any negotiations on this topic are inappropriate.

As previously reported, the Netherlands promised to increase military supplies to Ukraine in 2024. Our partners in Amsterdam assured us that they would stay with us until the end.

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