
"Stacked up": The mother of an occupier complained that the Russian command does not remove the bodies of eliminated mercenaries from the battlefield

The mother of the liquidated prisoner-insurgent complained about the Russian command

The Russian military command deploys Storm Z units, consisting of former prisoners, to the most intense areas, using them as expendable assets. However, the wounded and deceased Storm Z soldiers are not permitted to be evacuated from the battlefield.

This information was disclosed to Russian media by the mother of one of the "Storm Z" militants, who was reportedly "killed" by Ukrainian defenders two months ago. Nevertheless, the Russian woman is still unable to obtain any information from the command regarding her son's death or the return of his body for burial.

According to the mother of 32-year-old Ivan Leshchov from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, who was serving a sentence for drug trafficking, he signed a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry and was deployed to the Kupyansk sector in August as part of the 25th Brigade.

''Stacked up'': The mother of an occupier complained that the Russian command does not remove the bodies of eliminated mercenaries from the battlefield

A mobilized former convict complained to his mother in telephone conversations that the command threatened them with execution and left the bodies of the "Storm Z" soldiers on the battlefield without conducting proper searches.

The ex-prisoners also did not receive the payments promised by the Ministry of Defense.

"I have not received a single penny, nothing at all. I sent it myself to buy cigarettes, clothes, food," the Russian woman said.

According to her, even when her son received a shrapnel wound, he was not provided with any treatment and was left on the front line.

In late September, her colleagues told her that her son had been killed in Vilshany. Since then, for two months, the Russian woman has been unable to obtain information about her son's fate, as he is not listed in any lists.

Leshchov's family has appealed to the Russian Presidential Administration, the military prosecutor's office, and the Red Cross, but they have not received any information.

"I am not demanding anything supernatural. Just get the child and bury him. Don't bury him in a mass grave; they are just piling them up there," the Russian woman complains.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, in the units "Storm" and "Storm-Z", formed mainly of prisoners, in some places 10-15% of the original personnel remained in the ranks. At the same time, the Russian command continues to form new similar units

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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