
"It is reflected in the number of attacks": Gumenyuk explains how "cotton" in the Russian rear affects the occupiers' "shell hunger"

The Operational Command "South" commented on the consequences of the "cotton" in the rear of the Russian occupation forces

The "cotton" in the south of Ukraine in the rear of the Russian invaders, in particular in Crimea, reduces the number of attacks the enemy can carry out. The occupiers are beginning to experience a shortage of shells and logistical problems.

This was stated by Natalia Gumenyuk, head of the Joint Press Centre of the Operational Command "South", on Saturday, 22 July, during a national telethon, commenting on recent events on the Crimean peninsula. According to her, there is a certain "advance" of Ukraine's defenders behind enemy lines.

"We warned that the 'cotton' season would be blooming, colourful and bright. So far, we are fulfilling everything we promised, keeping our word and continuing to advance. And the advancement of the Defence Forces is not only about moving along the front line and moving this front line, it is also about moving the Defence Forces in the deep rear, where the enemy feels anxious," Gumenyuk said.

According to her, enemy logistics are now suffering significantly. "Both in the transport sense, i.e. it is impossible to transport, and in the sense of what has been brought in and cannot be used," explained the spokesperson.

She noted that Ukrainian soldiers continue counter-battery fighting and "reach the depths of the enemy's rear, where they concentrate their ammunition".

"And this is reflected in the number of attacks. Over the past day, there were 69 attacks, and they are already falling short of 90, which means that they already have a certain amount of shelling. They felt that the ammunition depots we had remotely monitored had been destroyed," said the representative of the "South" OC.

As for the situation on the southern front in general, as of 22 July, the missile-carrying ships were reloading at their sea bases. However, Russian aviation activity has been observed, both tactical and strategic.

"Partly it is to collect information, we see active unmanned aerial reconnaissance of the enemy and we are actively counteracting this reconnaissance," assured Gumenyuk. She said that Russian troops are collecting data on the situation along the frontline, but are also trying to go deeper into the frontline regions.

The front line in southern Ukraine.


- In the temporarily occupied Crimea, the morning of 22 July began with a "cotton" in the Krasnogvardiysk district. A large-scale fire was also observed by residents of Simferopol.

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces StratCom confirmed that the Ukrainian Defence Forces destroyed an oil depot and enemy warehouses in Krasnogvardiysk district of Crimea.

Only verified information is available in our Obozrevatel Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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