
Former Roscosmos head Rogozin suggests Putin strike Ukraine with a space rocket - Bild

Rogozin calls for striking Ukraine with a space rocket

Former Roscosmos Director General Dmitry Rogozin has suggested that the Kremlin strike a major Ukrainian city with a space rocket. He turned to the head of the Russian Rocket and Space Center, Dmitry Baranov, to discuss the technical details of an attack with an explosive rocket.

This was reported by BILD. The journalists got a recording of Rogozin's phone conversation with Baranov: in it, they clearly stated that it would be best to launch a space rocket from the Plesetsk cosmodrome with explosives on board.

"The officials discussed the risks of this idea. They noted that parts of the rocket could fall on the territory of the Russian Federation, as the error on impact could be from 50 to 100 km," the media reported.

Also, according to Baranov, the main problem is that due to the supersonic entry into the atmosphere, the existing heavy high explosive guided bombs or warheads will overheat at a speed of 6 km/sec. In response, Rogozin promised his interlocutor that he would consult with designer Yuriy Solomonov.

The former head of Roscosmos calls Russian dictator Putin "our great and terrible" and says he will pass the plan to him through his chief of staff, Anton Vain. According to BILD, the plan was indeed conveyed to the Kremlin leader on January 16, but it is unknown how he reacted to it.

Earlier, Rogozin said that Russia allegedly has the right to use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine because it would be the "only way out" in view of the upcoming counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Russian unexpectedly admitted that the forces and means of Ukrainian defenders pose a danger to the Russian Armed Forces.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, in September, the Russian invaders appointed Rogozin as a "senator"  of the temporarily occupied part of Zaporizhzhia region. This personnel decision was made by Yevhen Balytskyi, a collaborator and accomplice of the Russian occupiers in the temporarily occupied Melitopol.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and in Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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