
Another country signs the Global Peace Summit communiqué: what are its similarities with Ukraine

Guyana joins the Peace Summit communiqué. Source: Pexels

Another country has joined the joint communiqué of the inaugural Global Peace Summit held in Switzerland. It is Guyana in South America.

This was announced by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He expressed gratitude to Guyana for this step.

The Guarantor explained that it is extremely important that the vision of a just peace based on respect for the goals and principles of the UN Charter is shared by an increasing number of South American countries.

"The international coalition of peace-loving countries committed to these principles is growing every day. We continue to work together to expand global support for the Peace Formula and the steps necessary to implement it," Zelenskyy wrote.

How Guyana and Ukraine are similar

Our country has been repelling Russian aggression for more than 10 years. Meanwhile, Guyana is under the threat of attack from its neighbor Venezuela, which wants to annex its territory, Guyana Essequibo.

The current President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has decided to hold a referendum on the annexation of the Essequibo region of neighboring Guyana, which is a large part of its territory, on December 3, 2023.

Another country signs the Global Peace Summit communiqué: what are its similarities with Ukraine

The Venezuelan population allegedly supported this decision, so Maduro announced the launch of a series of measures that would precede the annexation of the region. In particular, the dictator ordered the issuance of licenses for the exploration and exploitation of natural resources in Essequibo, the distribution of a "new map" of Venezuela with the disputed region by educational institutions, and the start of the process of creating a "new state" of Guyana-Essequibo and conducting a census there.

Later, Nicolas Maduro announced the deployment of troops on the east coast due to the "threat from Guyana". This happened after the latter received a warship from the United Kingdom.

As reported earlier, the final communiqué signed at the end of the Peace Summit was also supported by a country in East Africa. We are talking about Malawi.

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