
When will Ukrainians cease to observe daylight saving time for good

When will Ukraine transition to winter time for good. Source:

Daylight saving time is used by many countries to make more efficient use of daylight. However, in Ukraine, this practice will soon stop. This fall, Ukrainians will transition to winter time for good.

The purpose of daylight saving time is to save energy and make optimal use of daylight. This reduces the need for artificial lighting in the evening. The additional hours of light can also have a positive impact on people's health and mood.

When will be the last time for Ukraine to change time

According to the draft law No. 4201, adopted on July 16, 2024, Ukraine will no longer transition to either summer or winter time. The last time we need to change our clocks will be on October 27, 2024 at 4:00 a.m, namely one hour back.


To make it easier to adapt to the change, you should change your sleep schedule gradually. Doctors recommend going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier a few days before the transition.

During the preparatory period, it is important to avoid excessive physical activity and emotional stress. Herbal teas and relaxing music can be helpful in reducing stress levels.

Nutrition and health regimen

During this time, it is recommended to monitor your diet: give up fatty foods and alcohol, eat more healthy foods instead, and do not forget about water balance. Proper nutrition helps the body adapt better to new conditions.

Outdoor activities

Taking a morning walk or doing other physical activity outdoors can help reduce the effects of jet lag. It also helps to improve sleep and well-being.

Limit phone use before bedtime

To prepare for the new schedule, you should reduce the time you use electronic devices before bed. It is also recommended to ventilate the room to improve the quality of rest.

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