
Zelensky urged Trump to present his "peace plan" and named concessions that Ukraine will not make

Maryna LisnychukPolitics
Zelensky reacts to Trump's remarks on the war in Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to statements of former US leader Donald Trump, who pledged to "stop the bloodshed in Ukraine"  but did not say who should win the war. He called on the controversial American politician to publicly share his own "peace formula."

At the same time, he warned that any "peace plan" that allows Ukrainians to give up their territories is unacceptable. The Ukrainian leader said this in a commentary to CNN journalist Wolf Blitzer on September 19.

"If Trump has a way to end the war between Ukraine and Russia, let him share it. But (if) the idea is to take away part of our territory and give it to Putin, this is not a peace formula," the president said.

It is worth noting that the 45th President of the United States has repeatedly spoken ambiguously about Russia's war against Ukraine. CNN reminded that during a meeting with the publication this year in May, Trump refused to specify who should win this war, but ambitiously stated that he would stop the bloodshed "in 24 hours."

Last Sunday, September 17, the politician appeared on NBC's Meet the Press, where he was asked if he was referring to a deal that would allow Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to keep the land he seized in Ukraine.

"No, no. I would make a fair deal for everyone. No, I would do it fairly," Trump said in response.

When asked if this would be a victory for Putin, he said that "it's something that could be negotiated."

Trump referred to Russia's temporarily occupied Crimea and other parts of Ukraine, adding that many people expected that the parties "could have agreed on that."

"They could have made a deal where there is now less territory than Russia has already seized, frankly," the controversial former US president said.

At the same time, the current US leader, Joe Biden, reiterated that the United States and its partners continue to support the Ukrainian people in their fight against Russian aggression. Speaking at the UN General Assembly, he emphasized that the terrorist state of Russia, which believes that the world is tired of war, will not be allowed to divide Ukraine and undermine the security of other countries.

As OBOZREVATEL reported, on September 19, President Volodymyr Zelensky also spoke at the UN General Assembly in New York. Read about the issues raised in the debate in the context of Ukraine at the link.

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