
Zurich Film Festival Cancels Screening of "Russians at War," but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not completely satisfied: what else does Ukraine demand

Karina VishnyakovaNews
The film "Russians at War" will not be screened in Zurich, but there is one "but". Source: Screenshot

The Swiss Zurich Film Festival has canceled the screening of the propaganda film "Russians at War," directed by journalist and former Russia Today employee Anastasia Trofimova. The organizers of the event responded to the outrage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, to which diplomats expressed their gratitude.

However, there is one caveat: "Russians at War" will still compete for the award in the documentary category. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine drew attention to this on Facebook. "Russia should not be present in the international cultural arena. There should be no chance for its voices to whitewash war criminals in front of the general public. At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the festival organizers to completely remove the film "Russians at War" from the documentary competition," the post reads.

The authors of the post noted that the only threat to the safety of those present is the influence of Kremlin propaganda that justifies the atrocities of the occupiers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working to isolate Russia in the international arena and make it impossible to use cultural, sports, and other platforms to spread Russian disinformation.

As a reminder, the premiere of "Russians at War" took place at the Venice Film Festival. The film was created on the basis of material filmed during 7 months of staying with a battalion of the Russian Armed Forces in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories. According to the Kremlin's mouthpieces, the film is "absolutely anti-war," and the Russian military appear as "ordinary people." 

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