Where to put a ficus to make it grow better
Ficus is particularly popular indoor plant - it doesn't require complicated care, grows quite quickly, and looks really impressive. However, to ensure the plant is healthy, you need to put it in a right place.
That's because ficuses, regardless of the type, do not like to be moved from place to place and do not need frequent transplantation. OBOZ.UA figured out how to choose the right spot for this plant.
First of all, avoid places with drafts. Do not put it on the floor either, as it can be too cold for the roots. Instead, it is better to put it near a window that you open for ventilation.
In addition, direct sunlight can be harmful to ficuses. That is why you should not place them near southern windows. Alternatively, you can bring them inside the room if you need such a flowerpot on the south side. There, the rays will be diffused and therefore safe.
Ficuses do not tolerate darkness as well. Due to the lack of light, they begin to shed their leaves. Therefore, the north side is not the best choice for the plant. Unless you provide it with additional artificial lighting if there is not enough natural light.
Here are some main tips depending on the type of a ficus:
- Ficuses with variegated bright leaves need brighter lighting, otherwise they will fade;
- India rubber plant is the most tolerant type of ficus to partial shade;
- If you want a large plant, choose longleaf fig - it can grow up to the ceiling, but it will also need a lot of light;
- Fiddle leaf fig is particularly sensitive to direct sunlight and does not tolerate hot temperatures;
- Creeping fig grows well even in the active sun, but it needs a fairly high humidity.
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