What to do if dracaena is flooded: how to save the plant

The most common mistakes made by owners of indoor plants include skipping watering, which can cause the flower to dry out. However, some people manage to overwater their plants, and this can also harm them. Dracaena is very sensitive to overwatering.
Not only does this flower not require complicated care and has an attractive appearance, but it also filters the air in the room well. Therefore, saving it from excess water is always a good idea. OBOZ.UA tells you how to do it right.
Most often, such a care mistake as overwatering happens in the cold season. Then the plants' need for liquid decreases and you can easily overdo it with moisturizing. If you overwater your dracaena for a long time, it can lead to its death. Therefore, pay attention to the first signals that the flower is receiving too much water.

Remember that one of the symptoms of waterlogging of dracaena, like other plants, is drooping leaves. As a rule, inexperienced owners mistake this symptom for a lack of water and begin to water the plant more intensively, which only exacerbates the problem. Therefore, before changing the watering regimen, make sure that the soil in the pot is dry and needs to be moistened. Otherwise, do not take any further action.
Waterlogged dracaena can also shed its leaves en masse. In this case, the leaves turn brown, especially at the tips. However, this can also be a sign of pests and fungal diseases. Therefore, examine the plant additionally.
If you don't see the symptoms of waterlogging described above, but still suspect that it may be the problem, you can simply check the root ball. Carefully remove the plant from the pot and see what condition it is in. If there is overwatering, you will see rotten roots, traces of mold, and a musty odor. In this case, you need to act decisively.

If you see that your dracaena is waterlogged, but its condition is not terrible, start by drying it out. Move the flower pot to a warmer place and temporarily stop watering until the water evaporates from the ground completely.
If you see rotted roots on the plant, repotting is a must. Remove the dracaena from the pot, gently shake off the soil from its roots, and cut off the damaged roots with a sharp tool. Leave the root system of the plant in the air for about an hour so that all the wet parts dry out. Then the roots should be treated with a preventive dose of fungicide and only then return the dracaena to the pot. Water it in small portions, but more often, and it will quickly come to its senses again.
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