What is the holiday in Ukraine today, August 12: name days, traditions and prohibitions of this day
On August 12, Ukraine and the world celebrate Youth Day. Orthodox believers honor the memory of the martyrs Photius, Anikita, and Alexander Komansky. August 12 is considered a lucky day for beekeepers and mushroom pickers. The weather on this day was used to predict what the winter would be like: if there are already many berries on the viburnum and mountain ash, the frosts will come early and be severe.
Name days are celebrated by Anatoly, Valentina, Herman, Ivan, Luke, Maxim, Pavel, Yana and Angelina. OBOZ.UA tells about the holidays and significant events of this day.
What holidays are celebrated on August 12
International Youth Day was established at the UN level in 1998. The meaning of the holiday is to draw attention to the problems of the younger generation, highlight the problems faced by young people and protect their rights and freedoms in the international aspect.
August 12 is World Elephant Day. The holiday was launched in 2012, and the idea belonged to Canadians Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures and Sivaporn Dardarananda, as well as the head of the Elephant Reproduction Foundation in Thailand.
Vinyl Record Day on August 12 was organized by a non-profit organization in the United States.
This day is also celebrated as National Roast Beef Day in the United States, Middle Child Day, National Anthem Day in Japan, and the San Pedro del Barco Festival in Spain.
What not to do on August 12
People say that on this day, you should not use knives, scissors, needles, or axes. It is better to postpone hard physical labor and needlework for another day.
Don't be stingy and refuse to help your loved ones, otherwise they will refuse you in the future.
It's generally a bad day for haircuts, manicures, and trips to the beauty salon.
Weather signs for August 12
If it's windy and rainy today, the bad weather will last for a long time.
If cobwebs start flying, the summer heat will linger, and autumn will be delayed.
Warm and dry weather portends a bountiful harvest of mushrooms in the forest.
Viburnum and mountain ash have a lot of berries - for an early and cold winter.
Significant historical events on August 8
- 1851 - American Isaac Singer received a patent for a foot-operated sewing machine;
- 1865 - Joseph Lister, a surgeon from Britain, first used phenol (carbolic acid) during surgery to disinfect instruments and doctors' hands;
- 1915 - during the First World War, the first-ever combat use of a torpedo bomber took place. A British Short Type 184 aircraft sank an Ottoman ship;
- 1949 - the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims were signed;
- 1962 - Pavlo Popovych, the first Ukrainian cosmonaut, goes into space.
- 1981 - IBM PC personal computer is introduced;
- 1992 - the United States, Canada, and Mexico signed an agreement establishing the North American Free Trade Area (the world's largest single trade area);
Who was born on August 12
- 1541 - Hypatius Potius, metropolitan, Ukrainian polemic writer.
- 1887 - Erwin Schrödinger, Austrian physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1933).
- 1954 - François Hollande, 24th President of France.
Died on this day:
- 30 BC - Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt, from the Ptolemaic dynasty.
- 1633 - Jacopo Peri, Italian composer, organist and singer, author of the first operas.
- 1953 - Eugene Paton, Ukrainian academician, specialist in electric welding and bridge construction, founder of the Institute of Electric Welding, author of the Paton Bridge in Kyiv.
- 1955 - Thomas Mann, a prominent German writer, author of an epic novel, essayist, Nobel Prize in Literature (1929).
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