
There will be an early harvest: how to plant dill in November

Growing dill. Source: Freepik

Fall is the best time to provide yourself with fresh herbs in early spring. Experienced gardeners have long noticed that dill sown before winter gives an earlier and more flavorful harvest.

OBOZ.UA has gathered advice from gardening experts on why dill is sown in the fall and how to do it correctly. Also, which dill varieties are suitable for winter sowing.

Why is it worth sowing dill in the fall?

Firstly, it allows you to get fresh herbs much earlier than in spring sowing. Secondly, dill that has been naturally hardened has a stronger immunity to diseases and pests. Thirdly, autumn sowing frees the gardener from spring hassles.

When to sow dill?

The best time to sow dill is in mid- to late November, when the weather is stable and cool. The main thing is that the seeds have time to germinate to a shallow depth before the frost.

Which dill varieties to choose?

Both early and late varieties of dill are suitable for autumn sowing. Early varieties will delight you with fresh herbs in early spring, while late varieties will provide a long harvest.

How to prepare the garden?

Before sowing, the garden bed must be carefully prepared: cleaned of weeds, dug up and applied organic fertilizers. Dill seeds are sown in furrows 3-4 cm deep, after which they are sprinkled with earth and mulched.

Crop care

In the spring, when the seedlings appear, it is necessary to regularly water the bed and weed it from weeds. To accelerate growth, you can use agrofiber.

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