
Russian Olympic champion who claimed to "have crushed Norwegians like cockroaches" died

Oleksandr ChekanovNews
Reztsova died after a heart attack

Anfisa Reztsova, a three-time Olympic champion in cross-country skiing and biathlon who was known for her offensive remarks about Norwegians, comparing them to cockroaches, has died at the age of 58. The winner of the Games in Calgary-88, Albertville-92 and Lillehammer-94 had previously suffered a heart attack.

This was reported by Sports.ru. In addition to the Olympics, Reztsova became the world champion in cross-country skiing three times and won silver in biathlon at the 1992 World Cup. The Russian also won the overall biathlon World Cup twice.

Reztsova has four daughters, Daria Virolaynen and Kristina Reztsova, both active biathletes. "Anfisa died last night in the intensive care unit without regaining consciousness. We found out about what happened only today and we will receive all the documents tomorrow. We have not contacted the intensive care unit or the pathologist. She was hospitalized on the 15th," Reztsova's husband told the Argumenty i Fakty propagandists.

In February, Reztsova was outraged by the position of the Norwegian biathlon leaders, the Boe brothers, who oppose the admission of Russians to international competitions. She later explained what she meant by the words about the Norwegians being "crushed like cockroaches."

The representative of the aggressor country also accused Ukrainians of "spewing all sorts of nasty things at us." In addition, she threw a tantrum after the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) decision to exclude Russians.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, Anfisa Reztsova's daughter Daria Virolaynen refused to play for Russia and will represent Finland in international competitions in the 2023/24 season.

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