
Netflix has shown the audition of the main character of the series "Baby Reindeer", which is being discussed all over the world: the video is creepy

Kateryna MalayNews
Netflix showed how Jessica Gunning was chosen for the main role. Source: Netflix

In the wake of the discussion of Netflix's new top-rated series, "Baby Reindeer", the studio showed how the auditions for the main character took place. The maniacal stalker was played by British actress Jessica Gunning, who seemed to the directors very similar to the real-life stalker Martha.

The realism of the star's dramatic performance, even off-set, left many viewers breathless. The eerie video was posted on   X (formerly Twitter).

The story is based on the real-life experience of the lead actor, who was stalked and sexually assaulted at the age of 20. His stalker is still alive, and the events are fresh in his memory.

That is why it was necessary to reproduce her behavior as authentically as possible. This was done by Jessica Gunning, who managed to maneuver the entire spectrum of emotions on the face of a crazy woman.

At one moment, she bursts out laughing, making the character and the audience feel uncomfortable, and at another, she threateningly grabs the actor's hand and uncompromisingly demands that he do what she says.

In the frame, it looks appropriate, dark, and dramatic. If you watch the auditions, where the actress simply speaks to the camera, you can truly appreciate her talent.

This was also noticed by the fans of the series who appreciated the video. It has garnered over 250 thousand views.

"I hope she has a big trophy box at home, she'll need it", "She's great! I can't imagine a more convincing performance", and "It doesn't even feel like she's acting", users wrote.

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