How to grow strong pepper seedlings: effective tips

Pepper is one of the most popular vegetable crops, and to get a rich harvest, it is important to prepare the seedlings properly. For early varieties, sowing begins 8-10 weeks before the last frost (usually in February or early March).
Peppers need special soil or a mixture of peat, humus and sand in equal proportions. OBOZ.UA explains in detail how to grow strong seedlings.
How to choose seeds for seedlings
The choice of variety depends on several factors: from climatic conditions to personal preferences.
There are three main types of peppers:
- Sweet pepper is one of the most common types. For cold regions, it is better to choose early and mid-season varieties;
- bitter - loves heat, so in cooler regions it should be planted in a greenhouse;
- decorative - grown as a houseplant or on a balcony.
Choose seeds from trusted producers, paying attention to the expiration date, as old seeds may not germinate or produce poor yields.
What soil is suitable for seedlings
When choosing soil for seedlings, it is better to give preference to a light, well-aerated substrate that will provide sufficient oxygen circulation and convenient drainage for water.
The ideal acidity level should be between pH 5.5-6.5.
Instead of preparing the soil yourself, the easiest way is to buy a mixture at a garden center or in specialized stores. Most of these mixes are based on peat, which is a great option for seedlings.
Pay special attention to heavy soils such as chernozems or loams. They are often too viscous and compacted, so you need to add loosening materials such as sand, coconut fiber, peat, or leafy soil.

What to grow seedlings in
Experienced gardeners say that for growing pepper seedlings at home, with subsequent transplantation into open ground or unheated greenhouses, it is best to use transparent plastic cups with a volume of 200 ml or more.
As for peat containers for growing peppers and tomatoes, they are not the best option. Pepper seedlings have a strong root system that tolerates transplanting well, unlike more delicate plants such as cucumbers. Therefore, it is not worth spending money on peat containers, as their volume is too small for the normal development of seedlings until transplanting to the garden.
How to plant seeds
Pepper is a warmth-seeking crop, so seeds are usually sown 8-10 weeks before transplanting them outdoors.
- Fill the sowing containers with prepared soil to 2/3 of the volume.
- Make shallow grooves (1 cm) in the soil and place the seeds in them.
- Cover the crops with a thin layer of soil and water gently.
- Cover the containers with foil or a transparent covering to create a greenhouse effect.
After sowing, it is important to maintain the optimum temperature between 22-28°C. In this environment, the seeds will germinate in 7-10 days. As soon as the first seedlings appear, the film can be removed and the temperature can be slightly lowered.
Until the seeds germinate, they need a lot of heat, but no light. Every day, let the seedlings breathe - remove the film, shake off the condensation. Make sure the soil is moderately moist, use a spray bottle for even watering.
How to properly water pepper seedlings
Peppers love moisture, but do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. Watering should be moderate, allowing the soil to dry. It is best to water the seedlings in the morning so that the water has time to evaporate by evening. Use a watering can with small holes or a spray bottle.
Instead of plain water, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or organic fertilizer to stimulate growth.
Optimal temperature
While the pepper seedlings begin to open cotyledon leaves, it is important to maintain a temperature of at least +15°C. It is worth remembering that peppers are much more sensitive to cold than to lack of light. If the temperature is too low, the plants will develop slowly. Usually, the temperature on window sills in well-lit apartments is ideal for this stage of growth.
Plants are drawn to sunlight, so they need to be turned 180° once a day to ensure that they develop harmoniously.
10-15 days before transplanting, the seedlings should be gradually hardened and exposed to the sun. This will help the plants adapt to external conditions and increase their resistance to temperature fluctuations.
How to fertilize peppers
To get strong pepper seedlings, it is important to feed the plants regularly. You can start feeding two weeks after germination. To do this, use complex fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, which promotes the development of the root system and strengthens the stems.
Seedlings can be fed every 10-14 days. It is important not to overfeed the plants, as this can lead to excessive growth of greenery to the detriment of the root system.
Transplanting into open ground or a greenhouse
When the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. It is best to transplant peppers to a sunny, sheltered place where the soil warms up well. A distance of 30-40 cm should be left between the plants so that they have enough space for development.
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