
How not to cover roses for the winter: practical tips

Alina MilsentNews
Roses in the winter garden. Source: Created with the help of AI

Roses are finicky plants, so you should prepare them for winter properly and in advance. There is no consensus among gardeners on whether to cover the bushes with hay.

Of course, mulching roses is not prohibited, but you should be very careful. OBOZ.UA tells you how to prepare the garden for winter and what is the best way not to cover roses.

What can be used to cover roses

Improper mulching or covering with hay can attract mice, which will damage the buds and gnaw on the shoots.

It is necessary to insulate the bushes, but it is better to use material that will not attract rodents and pests. This can be dry leaves, especially oak leaves, which contain tannins and therefore do not decompose very quickly.

Last year's straw, in which mice have already spent the winter, is also suitable, since rodents will not want to stay in such a place again.

Do you have to remove leaves from rose bushes for the winter

Before the cold weather, experienced gardeners advise picking off damaged and frail leaves. This procedure has several advantages. In particular, it reduces the risk of disease. Rose leaves are prone to powdery mildew or black spotting. They can become a source of infections. Therefore, removing the affected leaves helps to reduce the likelihood of the spread of diseases with the onset of spring heat.

Tearing off the leaves will also reduce the load on the plant and help to accumulate strength in the roots and stems, which is especially important before the winter cold. It is worth remembering that leaves can be a habitat for pests, and by limiting the number of sources of infection, more favorable conditions are created for the plant.

Removed leaves must be removed from the site, taken away or burned - this is especially true for plants that have been affected by diseases or pests.

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