
Hidden from tourists: interesting locations in Kyiv that only the locals know about

Albina PanchenkoNews
Interesting locations in Kyiv

St. Andrew's Descent, Khreshchatyk, Independence Square... Every guest of the capital knows about these locations, so there is no point in telling you about them for the hundredth time. Today we will focus on the attractions that sometimes even Kyiv residents don't know about, let alone tourists.

Read below to find out where to go.

Chocolate house

The first thing that comes to mind is another museum of a well-known chocolate factory. But no, it's not about that. This is the name of the mansion of philanthropist Semyon Mogilevtsev.

The house got its unusual name because of its appearance. The building resembles a bar of chocolate. You just want to come closer and take a bite.

The building has an interesting and fascinating history. It was commissioned by the aforementioned Mohyltsov, a merchant of the first guild, philanthropist, industrialist, and financier. The chief architect of the city, Volodymyr Nikolaiev, worked on the project. Rumor has it that the manor served as a meeting place for the owner and his beloved, but this is not known for certain.

What else do we know? The philanthropist actually hardly ever lived in this building. Various offices were located on the ground floor. On the second floor there was his study, a ceremonial hall with luxurious furniture and a mirror, and several other equally attractive rooms.

Mohyltsev had no children, so after his death the estate became the property of his nephews. After that, the house belonged to many people. For some time, the Ukrainian statesman Ihor Kistiakovskyi lived here, and later Christian Rakovsky.

For some time, the "sweet" building housed a registry office, where more than a hundred couples got married. It's very symbolic: the honeymoon began in the Chocolate House.

Now the location works as a museum. The entrance is open to anyone who wants to see the incredible interior of the patron's home. Of course, it has undergone some changes over the years, but it has not lost its grandeur.

The location is located at 17/2 Shovkovychna Street.


And most Ukrainians learned about this hill in 2022, when the aggressors began threatening to launch a nuclear strike on Ukraine. Kyiv residents responded to this statement with a joke: they suggested gathering on Shchekavytsia and organizing an 18+ celebration. At that time, there was even a meme that was good at keeping people's spirits up.

Shchekavytsia is a mountain named after one of the founders of Kyiv. According to the Tale of Bygone Years chronicle, Prophetic Oleg is buried here. By the way, the mountain was not empty before. There was a fortress here that protected the main city of Kyivan Rus from the encroachments of Muscovites, Poles, and Tatars.

In 1772, it was turned into a cemetery. More than 6,000 people who died of the plague are buried here. Now it is a landscape reserve. The protection zone is established between Olehivska, Lukianivska, Nyzhniurkivska, Kyrylivska, and Nyzhniy Val streets.

Ar-Rahma Mosque

This is the first cathedral mosque in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe. It was built relatively recently. Construction lasted from 1996 to 2011. The project was designed by Ukrainian architect Oleksandr Komarovsky.

It is interesting that the mosque was planned to be designed in 1897. Back then, many Muslims lived in the capital. For comparison, the population of Kyiv at that time was about 100 thousand people, of whom almost 2,000 were followers of Islam. Painstaking work on the design began. The First World War, and then the Second, prevented the plans from being realized. It was only after Ukraine gained its independence that things got off the ground.

The mosque is striking in its size and beauty. From a distance, it resembles some kind of amazing castle.

Kyiv waterfall

Not far from Lysa Hora in the Pokol tract, there is an artificial waterfall. But despite the fact that it was created by humans, it is not inferior to the beauty of natural cascades.

It was built to cool down the CHPP-5. It is especially impressive when water is discharged. At this moment, powerful streams rapidly hit the concrete blocks, and the noise can be heard for several kilometers.

By the way, in late spring, the waterfall is covered with reeds. At this time, it looks stunning.

The smallest church

The shrine is literally hidden in the basement of a residential building. But you won't have to walk long to get to it. The location is in the very center of the capital, at 43 Volodymyrska Street. Instead of domes, the prayer room has fence bars. It has no stained glass windows, no pompous chandeliers, and certainly no crypts.

The church was opened in 2000. It used to be a torture chamber, but now parishioners come to the church all the time, so don't think it's a tourist attraction.

The church was opened in memory of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene on the Brest-Lithuanian highway.

When the famous places of the capital are already well explored, it's time to look for alternative routes. Take a closer look at our selection, maybe some locations will catch your attention and you will want to visit them.

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