
Almost the fastest in history. A goal scored in the Premier League in 9 seconds. Video

Maksym InshakovNews
The match ended with a score of 3: 2

Bournemouth midfielder Phillip Billing has made history in the English Premier League (EPL) by scoring a quick-fire goal against Arsenal in London. The 27-year-old Danish national team player scored in the 10th second of the match on Matchday 26.

Immediately after the opening whistle, the guests played a lightning combination, running halfway across the field in several passes. Billing finished the attack in great style.

The ball crossed the goal line with 9.11 seconds left in the match, but it was not the winning goal. Arsenal was able to come back and win 3-2.

This was the second fastest goal in the history of the championship. The first place was taken by Shane Long in 2019. The Southampton forward upset Watford by 7.69 seconds.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, on February 20, Croydon midfielder Ryan Hall scored a goal in 2.31 seconds, which became the fastest goal in the history of football.

Prior to that, Austrian midfielder Christoph Baumgartner set a new world record for the fastest goal in the history of international football at the national team level. The 24-year-old Leipzig midfielder was able to hit the goal against Slovakia in a friendly match 6 seconds after the starting whistle.

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