A simple fertilizer will save even the weakest dracaena: there is one in every kitchen
Dracaena is one of the most popular houseplants, known for its low maintenance. However, it is important to choose the right fertilizer for it to stay healthy and develop well. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, and the plant becomes frail, these are some of the first signs of a lack of nutrients.
Experts advise preparing an organic fertilizer, all the ingredients for which you probably already have in your kitchen. The Kobieta Interia publication told us about the rules for caring for dracaena.
Basic rules for caring for dracaena
Dracaena loves bright but diffused light. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burns. The ideal place for dracaena is the east or west side window sills.
The optimum temperature for dracaena is 18-25°C. The plant does not like drafts and sudden changes in temperature. In winter, it is advisable to keep the temperature at least 15°C.
Dracaena tolerates dry air well, but it is worth periodically spraying the leaves with water, especially in winter. It is advisable to wipe the dust from the leaves with a damp cloth.
Watering dracaena should be regular, but not excessive. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist, but not swampy. Dracaena does not require intensive watering, especially in the fall and winter, during dormant periods.
Use settled water at room temperature for watering. Varieties with colored leaves require more moisture.
Young dracaena are transplanted annually in the spring. Adult plants need to be repotted every 2-3 years.
The soil should be loose, well-drained, and nutritious. You can use universal potting soil, but it is advisable to add some sand or perlite to it to improve drainage.
Why dracaena begins to dry out
The reason for the drying of dracaena leaves can be an unsuitable location. Another reason is too much watering and drying out of the substrate (dracaena needs to be watered once a week).
Low room temperature and drafts also have a negative effect on dracaena.
Another reason for the drying out of dracaena leaves is the poor quality of the substrate, the composition of which is disturbed over time.
If you notice that the leaves of your dracaena are starting to dry out, it can also be an indication of diseases that are transmitted from one plant to another when they are too close.
How to fertilize dracaena
You can buy ready-made mixtures that are available in gardening stores, but florists recommend using natural organic fertilizers.
Coffee and tea grounds are an extremely valuable fertilizer for indoor plants. They enrich the substrate with nutrients and improve soil structure. In addition, tea leaves scattered on the surface of the soil in a pot will also help get rid of insects that fly around the flowers.
To prepare coffee fertilizer, take 1 cup of grounds, pour 10 liters of water, and wait until the grounds swell. Then mix, and you can start watering immediately. This treatment should be carried out every 1-2 weeks.
As natural fertilizers for dracaena, the following will also be useful:
- banana peels;
- water after boiling potatoes;
- water after boiling eggs.
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