
You won't see mice ever again: what to plant in the vegetable garden to repel rodents

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Mice will stay away from your garden if you sow these plants there. Source: Created with the help of AI

Every gardener knows that small rodents can cause damage not only at home but also in the garden. However, not everyone is aware that you can fight the problem by sowing some plants in the garden.

It's all about essential oils and other substances contained in these plants. They scare away mice, hamsters and other rodents and prevent them from spoiling the crop. OBOZ.UA has collected several options.

Garlic and onion

The sulfur compounds in these plants are an evolutionary adaptation designed to protect them from various pests. Small animals avoid garlic and onions because they irritate their mucous membranes. Plant these crops between beds to keep mice away.


The smell of lavender, so pleasant to us, is unbearable to rodents. Decorate your garden with these spectacular bushes and don't worry about mice.


The plant repels rodents not only during the flowering period. All parts of daffodils contain toxic substances that can lead to severe digestive disorders in small animals. That's why you should make sure that your cats, dogs, or rabbits don't get to them either.


Mice do not like the strong smell of chrysanthemums. This plant contains a natural combination of insecticidal compounds that also repel insects. But again, make sure that cats and dogs do not come into contact with chrysanthemums. It is dangerous for them too.


Rodents hate the smell of sage. Moreover, you can add it to hot drinks and some dishes, so this herb will be useful to you no matter how you look at it.


Peppermint and curly mint are especially unpleasant for mice, rats, and hamsters as they have the strongest odor of all types of this herb. However, it is better to grow mint in pots rather than in the open ground as it grows very quickly and can displace other plants.


This tropical herb is known for its fresh citrus scent. And it is this scent that rodents do not like. Choose a variety and species according to your taste and growing conditions.

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