Woman shares dramatic changes she experienced after giving up alcohol for 50 days
A woman in treatment for alcohol addiction has shown the transformative effect of quitting alcohol on her body after just 50 days.
A user named Jade took to TikTok to share her personal view of how she felt after quitting drinking. "I was extremely anxious the first few weeks after quitting which is normal but now I've noticed a huge decrease now. I was always in a constant state of hangxiety & brain fog when I was drinking," she said.
Jade also said that she managed to lose weight in just over seven weeks. "I've always struggled to keep weight off not realizing how caloric booze (especially wine) was," she admitted.
She also noted significant changes in her mood, including her personality. "Most days I was short-tempered, irritable with no patience & super argumentative," she said.
Jade also spoke candidly about her unexpected "sugar cravings" that she experienced as her body adjusted to the lack of sugar she had previously consumed through wine.
Besides, she noted that she now spends much more time with herself, her family and friends. However, she said, it should be understood that this path is quite difficult emotionally.
"It's not easy & all the emotions that we suppress for years with alcohol slowly start to come to the surface, so try to remember to give yourself grace," Jade explained.
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