
What holiday falls on January 15: all about this day

Alina MilsentNews
What holiday is celebrated on January 15. Source: Freepik

On January 15, Orthodox believers honor the memory of the holy reverends Paul of Tyre and John the Brier. Name days are celebrated by Havrylo, Herasym, Olena, Ivan, Mykhaylo, Pavlo and Prokhor.

The world celebrates Wikipedia Day, Museum Selfie Day, Hat Day, or Headdress Day. OBOZ.UA tells about the holidays and notable events of this day.

What holidays are celebrated on January 15

St. Paul of Tyve and St. John the Baptist are prominent figures in the history of Christian asceticism. Their lives of asceticism and self-denial became a model for many generations of believers.

Paul of Tyre is considered one of the first Christian hermits. He went to live in the Egyptian desert, where he spent many years in prayer and solitude. His life changed dramatically after meeting St. Anthony the Great. Ivan Kushchnyk was an imitator of the feat of St. Paul of Tyre. He also went to live in the desert, where he led a strict monastic life. Many people came to him for spiritual guidance.

Wikipedia Day is an annual holiday dedicated to the world's largest free encyclopedia. This day is celebrated around the world to draw attention to the achievements of this grand project and to encourage new editors to participate in its development. The project brings together millions of people from around the world who work together to create the largest repository of knowledge. It was on January 15, 2000, that Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched Wikipedia.

Museum Selfie Day is celebrated every year on the third Wednesday of January. The idea came about in 2014 thanks to Mar Dixon, a British blogger with a passion for museums and culture. After visiting several museums with her daughter, she suggested creating a special day that would encourage people to share their museum experiences through selfies.

Countries around the world celebrate January 15:

  • Army Day in India;
  • Teacher's Day in Venezuela;
  • Melon and Wine Day in Chile;
  • Composers' Day in Mexico;
  • Day of the Korean alphabet;
  • Day of International Recognition in Croatia;
  • National Kombucha Drink Day in the United States.

Notable historical events on January 15

  • 1559 - Coronation of Queen Elizabeth I of England, the last of the Tudor dynasty.
  • 1776 - the first copy of the Gazette de Leopol, the first known periodical in Ukraine, was published in Lviv.
  • 1892 - in the newspaper "Triangle" in Springfield, Massachusetts, where the game of basketball originated, the author of the game, Dr. James Naismith, first published 13 rules of the game.
  • 1907 - Dr. Lee de Forest, recognized worldwide as "the father of radio and the grandfather of television," patented the three-electrode vacuum tube, a device that made it possible to turn radio into a practical device for transmitting voice and music.
  • 1939 - the USSR introduces work record books for workers and employees.
  • 1943 - the Pentagon, the largest office building in the world, is completed in Virginia (USA), where the US Department of Defense is based.
  • 1986 - Soviet newspapers publish a statement by Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, announcing a "program for the phased elimination of all nuclear weapons by 2000."
  • 1992 - Berners-Lee Tim, the "father of the World Wide Web," releases a web browser.
  • 2001 - Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched Wikipedia.
  • 2009 - The crew of the American A-320 Airbus managed to save 146 passengers from death by landing the plane with its engines stopped on the water of the Hudson River in the middle of New York City. The airplane's engines failed as a result of a collision with a flock of geese at an altitude of 850 meters after takeoff from La Guardia Airport.

Who was born on January 15

  • 1622 - Molière (Jean Baptiste Poclain), French playwright, actor, theater figure.
  • 1871 - Agatangel Krymsky, Ukrainian historian, writer, translator, one of the organizers of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1918).
  • 1908 - Edward Teller, American nuclear physicist of Magyar descent, one of the developers of the atomic bomb (1945) and project manager of the hydrogen bomb (1952).
  • 1929 - Martin Luther King, American Baptist minister, leader of the black civil rights movement, Nobel Peace Prize winner
  • 1963 - Bruce Schneier, American cryptographer.
  • 1994 - Vasyl Hukalo, soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Hero of Ukraine (2024, posthumously).

On this day they died:

  • 1919 - Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, German communist revolutionaries, assassinated after the failure of the uprising.
  • 1978 - Fedir Manailo, Ukrainian painter.
  • 2010 - Marshall Warren Nierenberg, American biochemist and geneticist, winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for deciphering the genetic code
  • 2018 - Dolores O'Riordan, Irish singer, lead vocalist of The Cranberries.
  • 2023 - Vakhtang Kikabidze, Georgian singer, songwriter, film actor.

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