
Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

Darya SkubNews
Her Majesty knew how to treat everything with humor.

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and 14 countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, ruled for 70 years and 7 months, the longest of all British monarchs (from 1952 to 2022). Despite the seriousness of her role, she had a great sense of humor, which earned her millions of fans around the world. Her Majesty demonstrated that she was fine with self-irony and the ability to get out of awkward situations.

Are you tired of routine tasks? We suggest you relax a bit and find out in the OBOZREVATEL article how witty Elizabeth II was.

1. "Have you seen the Queen?"

It would seem a shame not to know what one of the most influential people of the twenty-first century, Queen Elizabeth II, looks like. And yet, there are those who have gotten into mishaps. Once Her Majesty was walking near Balmoral with her bodyguard and saw a group of tourists. They suddenly asked her if she had seen the Queen. She was not confused: "I have not. But he (pointing to the guard - Ed.) definitely saw her." Probably, the monarch was not recognized because of the scarf on her head instead of a tiara.

A similar situation occurred when Elizabeth II was walking through a store in Sandringham. One woman saw her and screamed: "My God, you look like a queen!" She replied: "Very reassuring!".

Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

2. She did not distance herself from ordinary people

The Queen was always accompanied by guards, but sometimes the commanders of the convoy were too concerned about Her Majesty's safety and forcibly fenced off the public from her. When Elizabeth II saw this, she said: "Actually, Captain, they came to see me." And indeed, such an opportunity does not come along often!

Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

3. She was ironic about her age

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau once attended a celebration of Her Majesty's 90th birthday. At the beginning of his speech at the gala banquet, he said: "During the reign of Elizabeth II, the 12th leader of the country has already changed." The monarch wittily responded: "Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister of Canada, for making me feel so old."

Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

4. She remembered the remarks of others

In 2007, the Queen was invited to Washington, DC. Then a small curiosity happened - the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, accidentally said in his speech that Elizabeth II came to celebrate the 200th anniversary of America in 1776 (not 1996). Although he quickly apologized and said the correct version, the monarch remembered it. Two days later, during her greetings, she said: "I thought I should start my toast with the words 'when I was here in 1776...'.

Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

5. She was straightforward

In the 1960s, The Everly Brothers performed at one of the royal banquets. Elizabeth II didn't like their performance, so she told her maid of honor without any hypocrisy what this singing reminded her of: "They sound like two cats being strangled."

It seems that country and rockabilly are definitely not Her Majesty's favorite styles of music. After all, it was the band that she did not like that influenced the work of such legendary artists as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

6. She knew how to gently answer immodest questions

In the summer of 2013, the world was waiting for the arrival of the child of Prince William and Princess Catherine. Specifically, Prince George. At the time, media representatives tried in every way to find out insights about the Queen's future great-grandson. When asked when the baby would be born, Elizabeth II jokingly said: "I'm giving her (Duchess Kate Middleton - Ed.) another 8 days. It depends on whether I go on vacation!"

Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

7. She said the words that are least expected of her


Top 7 witty quotes from Queen Elizabeth II that will make you laugh

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL wrote about what Charles III, Kate Middleton and other royals actually do all day.

Only verified information is available on the Obozrevatel Telegram channel and Viber. Don't fall for fakes!

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