
Three vegetables that should be planted in January for a good harvest are named

What vegetables are worth planting in January. Source: Freepik

If you're new to gardening but want to try growing some vegetables, there are three of the easiest options you can start with right in January.

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to sow hardy vegetables that do well in colder temperatures. Early planting means that you are preparing the groundwork for a bountiful harvest that can be obtained much earlier than usual, OBOZ.UA writes.

Green beans

One of the easiest vegetables to sow in January is beans, as they are incredibly hardy and can easily withstand the cold.

To plant them, simply choose a sunny spot in your garden with good drainage and sow the seeds about 5 cm deep and 20 cm apart to give them enough room to grow.

To protect them, cover them with clothing or fleece if particularly severe frost is expected in the forecast.

Onions and shallots

Onions and shallots are also recommended for planting in January because the longer growing season helps them develop into healthy, flavorful bulbs.

To plant them, simply press them into the soil so that only the tip is visible, leaving about 10-15 cm between each.


January is the perfect time to plan for an early potato harvest. It's certainly too early to plant this vegetable in the ground, but it's possible to prepare seed potatoes indoors.

This is a practice where potatoes begin to germinate before being planted in the ground.

Simply place the potatoes upright in an egg carton or seed tray with the "eyes" facing up and place them in a cool, bright place. By March, they will be ready for planting outdoors.

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