They like to be in full incognito mode: the three most closed signs are named
We all want to be alone from time to time to recharge our inner batteries. But for some people it is a real necessity of life.
As astrologers convince us, it can be closely related to the zodiac sign under which a person was born. And here are the top three most closed, who will not share with you too personal, spend a lot of time socializing and will give preference to personal comfort.
Scorpios are notoriously elusive and mysterious. For them, there is a constant question of how much information about themselves to reveal, and how much should be kept to themselves. This gives them an air of mystery that follows them wherever they go, as well as a reputation for being difficult to deeply recognize.
This sensitive water sign really values their privacy and sense of security. Scorpios always feel uncomfortable talking too much, so they prefer not to say anything at all. Many members of the sign are concerned that their words will be misinterpreted or used against them in the future, while others may feel when they are about to be misunderstood.
Their need for privacy is so deep that many Scorpios prefer to stay away from social media and large friendship groups. And that means that many of them have incredible stories that even their best friends don't know about. Hear them only when a Scorpio feels really comfortable. And then not in all the details.
You will never hear a Capricorn loudly discussing their business over the phone in a crowded place. They manage to keep their secrets even if they drink too much. This earth sign is too pragmatic and disciplined for carefree gossip and chatter, especially when it comes to sharing information about themselves. Capricorns are used to thinking about what they say and how they say it. Instead of immediately saying what's on their mind, they quickly weigh the pros and cons, and more often than not decide that it's better to leave things as they are.
Thus, representatives of the sign protect themselves from stress. And continue to do this even in the presence of the closest friend or partner. You can be familiar with Capricorn for years, but never feel that you really know him. And he'll love it.
Capricorns prefer to run their lives with a sense of organization and control, so they're especially picky when it comes to being open. It's not that they're afraid to be open, but they set strict boundaries about who can get to know them really deeply.
Although Pisces always have a lot of dreams and ideas in their head, they are rarely willing to open up and share them. Representatives of the sign prefer to save their thoughts for the pages of a diary. Only there they can express what they really feel, without worrying about slanted glances or comments with judgment.
As a sign ruled by Neptune, the planet of inspiration, Pisces can feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their own emotions. And because of this, they are not often willing to talk about them out loud. That said, they are aware that this can also sometimes put people off. Yes, they can be sensitive and listen attentively to your stories about problems and concerns. But don't expect the same in return.
This water sign prefers to float in their own little bubble. Sometimes they may express themselves creatively through painting, writing, or music, but they're unlikely to post it on social media - and if they do, it will be under a pseudonym. Like most secretive zodiac signs, Pisces is concerned with maintaining their boundaries, an acceptable level of comfort and security.
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