Subaru telescope captures interaction of galaxies resembling a jellyfish. Photo
Astronomers using the Subaru Optical Japanese Telescope have captured images of the merging galaxies UGC 9326 and UGC 9327. This interaction of two cosmic bodies resembles a jellyfish.
The pair of filmed galaxies is located in the constellation Virgo, at a distance of about 770 million light years from Earth. Distorted by gravitational attraction, the outlines of the two galaxies create an incredible cosmic picture, SubaruTelescope writes.
Many interacting galaxies have been captured in huge space images obtained by Subaru's Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP).
This latest image shows two interacting spiral galaxies in the constellation Virgo that resemble a jellyfish. The galaxy responsible for the jellyfish's head is UGC 9327, and the other galaxy in the tail tentacles is UGC 9326.
The HSC staff member who discovered the pair of galaxies named them the "Jellyfish Galaxy" because of their amazing appearance.
It is believed that galaxies evolved through a series of interactions and mergers. In the Universe, interactions and mergers between galaxies occur frequently.
Subaru is an 8.2-meter optical telescope owned by the Japanese National Astronomical Observatory. It is located at the Mauna Kea Observatory, on the volcano of the same name in Hawaii.
"Subaru was launched in 1999. The telescope's mirror was the largest monolithic mirror in the world until 2005, when the first image was obtained on the Large Binocular Telescope (8.4 m).
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