Scientists have identified two key ways to fight fatigue at work
Many people feel completely tired at work. Scientists have identified the key secrets to staying energized in the workplace.
A new study points to two effective ways to prevent fatigue: regular breaks and support from your manager. Taking these guidelines into account, you can see the difference between a loss of energy and a rise during the working day, ScienceAlert writes.
A study conducted by researchers from Wake Forest University, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), and Northeastern University in the United States found that micro-breaks and supervisor support had a positive impact on fatigue at the end of the day, as well as on sleep quality and energy the next day.
Using these two methods together has proven to be the most effective in fighting fatigue, experts say.
"Microbreaks are a simple and effective way to overcome fatigue, especially when the workload is heavy. And supervisor support plays a crucial role in reducing fatigue," says Lindsay Andiola, a researcher and accountant at the VCU School of Business.
"Together, these two mechanisms offer significant relief for professionals who work during busy seasons or other periods of high stress," she added.
The researchers interviewed 44 accountants about their work habits before conducting a controlled experiment on fatigue and microbreaks with another 179 participants.
Both micro-breaks and regular supervisor support have been shown to reduce fatigue. For employees, the benefits of these interventions were only significant during the busiest times of the year – suggesting that they are most useful when they are most needed, during times of stress, experts say.
Further experiments have shown that microbreaks are also associated with an increase in employee accuracy.
Researchers say that effective microbreaks can last as little as a minute: reading a short news article, stopping for coffee, or time to exercise. As for the support of the manager, offering help and appreciation for what they do is important.
"By implementing these strategies, firms can improve both employee well-being and job performance, which will contribute to a more stable and productive work environment," the researchers write.
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