
Russian music is to be completely banned from Ukrainian YouTube and mobile apps. The first details

Kateryna MalayNews
Russian content to be banned in Ukraine

Russian music is to be completely banned from Ukrainian YouTube and any mobile applications. The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine is working on this issue together with journalists.

The ban is to be introduced for content created by Russians anywhere in the world. Ukrainian journalist and blogger Yanina Sokolova spoke about this in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda (scroll to the bottom of the page to see photos and videos).

She said that she had a chat with representatives of the Ministry of Digital Transformation to discuss the boycott of Russian music in Ukraine.

"Then we got down to business. First, we started with music, because in Ukraine, if you go to iTunes or Spotify, Russian artists are trending. I have a 13-year-old son, and I hear what his peers are listening to. We pay them for it. They take this money, give it to PSB, and then bombard us. That's why, unfortunately, most people are stupid. The majority are people who do not have critical thinking. We need to help them. That's why the Ministry of Digital Transformation and I have already sent a number of documents to ensure that there is no Russian music on Ukrainian YouTube, and that Russian music is banned from all apps in Ukraine," said Yanina Sokolova.

Russian music is to be completely banned from Ukrainian YouTube and mobile apps. The first details

It's not just about content created by Russians on the territory of their terrorist state. The journalist is convinced that music, blogs, and interviews of even "opposition" Russians who have been recognized as "foreign agents" should be banned.

"It doesn't matter. Whether he is a foreign agent or not, he is driving us into the Russian space. What do I care if Vika Tsyganova and her husband are alive or dead? Do I want to laugh? I can laugh at something else. Now there are millions of views, and half the country has remembered who Vika Tsyganova is," the Ukrainian added.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that in the spring of this year, tracks by Putin's supporters were in the Ukrainian top on streaming platforms. According to Ukrainian musicians, including Serhiy Babkin, these songs are favorites of teenagers.

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