Products that will help with time zone changes after air travel
A number of foods help to cope with long-haul flights, but some of them should be avoided because they will make the problem of jet lag even worse. Cherries are among the most effective, as they can normalize sleep in flight.
As British nutritionist and nutritionist Serena Poon told Insider, to stimulate the human biological clock after long flights, you should eat foods rich in melatonin, a hormone that helps normalize sleep. Cherries are suitable for this purpose. The expert also noted that bananas, avocados, or spinach are suitable for replenishing potassium, and nuts, beans, or seeds are suitable for increasing magnesium levels in the body.
Poon emphasized that a long-distance flight provokes dehydration, which means that once you reach your destination, you should include foods with a high water content, such as cucumber or watermelon, in your diet. Eating them will increase concentration and relieve fatigue.
The nutritionist also advised to pay attention to citrus fruits and emphasized that eating them "will help you get back on track quickly."
"High concentrations of vitamin C correlate with improved cognitive functions, such as attention, concentration, and decision-making," Poon said.
But it is better to be careful with coffee. She emphasized that this drink will not help with jet lag, but will only make things worse, as it has a bad effect on the normalization of biorhythms under stress.
"Caffeine delays the increase in melatonin levels, which slows down the body's biological clock," the nutritionist explained.
You should be even more wary of alcohol, which disrupts the natural sleep cycle. And foods that contain "hidden" sugar – yogurts with flavors, smoothies, and even oat milk – can negatively affect energy levels in general.