Never start a phone conversation with these words in order not to push your interlocutor away
People talk on the phone a lot, but they don't always do it right. In particular, we are talking about starting a conversation, especially if the person you are talking to is a stranger.
OBOZ.UA explains how to set the right tone for a conversation and what words you shouldn't use to start a conversation on the phone.
Forget about the usual words
Most often, a conversation on the phone begins with the "hello", "yes", and "[name] speaking." And these expressions are not a good choice because such an attitude is subconsciously perceived by most people as impolite or disinterested. Accordingly, after such a phrase, the conversation can go in the wrong direction.
In fact, there are more tactful phrases to start a conversation on the phone.
Opt for a greeting
Experts advise starting a conversation with common greetings like "good morning", "good afternoon", and "good evening." After that, be sure to ask whether the other person is comfortable to speak with you.
If yes, you can continue, but if not, ask when you can call back.
When you end a conversation, be sure to say goodbye. Don't hang up right away but wait for the other person to say the last words.
By the way, never end a conversation first if you weren't the one who called. According to the rules of etiquette, it is the caller who ends the conversation.