Never add these ingredients to cutlets: why the meat dish turns out tasteless
Cooking cutlets seems like a simple task, but even experienced cooks sometimes find see that the dish turned out tough or dry. The reason may be in the choice of ingredients. Two common ingredients that are often added to minced meat actually spoil the texture and taste of the finished product.
The FoodOboz editorial team suggests you learn more about what these ingredients are and how to use them correctly to make cutlets juicy and tender. There are a few simple secrets.
The main mistakes in cooking cutlets
1. Egg is a healthy but tricky ingredient
Eggs are usually added to minced meat to make the cutlets hold their shape better. However, it is the egg white that can make the finished dish dry and rubbery. The protein in eggs coagulates during heat treatment, absorbs moisture, and deprives the cutlets of their juiciness. Meat itself is a protein product, so adding more is unnecessary.
What to do:
Replace the whole egg with the yolk only. The fat-rich yolk makes the cutlets soft and juicy.
2. Milk is another questionable option
Soaking bread in milk is a popular technique, but it can negatively affect the texture of the cutlets. Milk also contains protein, which hardens the minced meat during frying.
What to do:
Use plain water to soak the bread. Bread adds tenderness and juiciness to the base, but it is important not to add too much of it. The optimal amount is about 250 g of white bread per 1 kg of meat.
How to cook perfect cutlets
To make your cutlets fluffy, juicy and delicious:
- Use only the yolk, leaving out the white.
- Soak bread in water, not milk.
- Maintain a balance of ingredients without adding too much bread to preserve the flavor of the meat.