Just one trick to make houseplants easier to care for: what's the secret
Houseplants greatly decorate our living space. But fresh flowers need care, and it's important to set up proper watering so that they get enough moisture and grow well.
But how can you develop the habit of watering plants and not skip moistening your indoor garden? According to Interia Kobieta, a trick with a coffee filter will help you do this.
To use the filter to help you take care of your favorite flowers, you just need to put it in a pot. It will help protect the plants from drying out too quickly and losing water. And at the same time, it will protect them from overflowing as well.
Excess water can be just as harmful to indoor flowers as prolonged drought. Air and minerals are not readily available to the flooded roots. Under the influence of water, they also begin to rot and become more vulnerable to fungal attack. At the same time, the leaves on the plant become discolored and begin to fall off.
The hygroscopic material used to make coffee filters helps solve both of these problems. It absorbs excess moisture when it is available, and then releases it when there is a lack of water in the soil. In addition, the material does not interfere with the drainage holes in the pot and does not allow wet soil to clog them.
To ensure that the coffee filter works at its best, line the bottom of the pot with it the next time you repot. Then add soil on top of it and plant the flower.
By the way, you don't have to buy a new coffee filter. A used one will do and with the grounds remaining. Coffee is a good natural fertilizer for plants. Moreover, it releases nutrients into the soil rather slowly, so it won't cause an oversaturation. This fertilizer will be especially useful for plants that like acidic soils.
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